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Parish Garage

After more than a year of headaches and frustration we are finally getting this much needed project underway with the help of Midpoint Construction. 

Pledge List

We would like to thank all donors and supporters of St. Paul parish

Our New Altar

We would like to thank all donors and supporters of the beautiful new altar addition.


A special thank you to Steve Zefi, Viktor Camaj, Leo Toma & Rocky Camaj for their talents as well as their tireless efforts during renovations.

Family playground & picnic area

Help support the Albanian Community Project and donate today. See Parish Manager Nik Gjonaj for details.

Albanian American Banquet Center Renovation

We've had some great times in the good old banquet hall but it was time to take it to another level for the next generation.


A very special MVP THANK YOU goes to:


Anton Vataj and his J&B Painting Team (Prel Doka Ivanaj, Alex Gjekaj & Anton Prela Ivanaj) along with Kol Ivanaj, Mike Lekoqaj & the Niko's Import & Export Team who without their valuable help, generous hearts and expertise, this renovation would have never got off the ground.


We'd also like to especially thank: Steve Gjeloshaj, Leo Toma, Deda Dushaj, Lindon Lajcaj & Steve Sinishtaj, Shelby Paint & Motor City Paint Co.


Duam te falenderojme me gjithe shpirtë te gjithe vullnetarët dhe vullnetaret qe nuk u kursyen dite as nate te punojne pa lodhje ne projektin e rimodelimit te salles se Kishes se Shen Palit.Thirrjes tone per vullnetare, konkretisht per lyerjen e salles ne afatin e caktuar, i’u pergjigjen ne menyre te menjehershme kto personat:

Prel Dushaj

Pashko Leci Gjonaj

Pashko Ivezaj

Gjon Sinishtaj

Viktor Dedivanaj

Eraldo Gjonaj

Albert Dushaj

Vasel Gjelaj

Mark Dedivanaj

Maria Nikollaj

Joe Dreshaj

Edvin Hoti

Viktor Gojcaj

Albert Cokaj

Mark & Toma Gjokaj

Domenik Dekaj.


Last but not least, A job well done by:

Prek Dekaj,

Gjon Sufaj,

Bengjo Hoti

Sokol Veci

Fran Muqa

Alfred Miri

Mir Ndoja

Gjovalin Lulgjuraj

Viktor Shabi


Thank you

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